Time Deposit

Choose a time deposit account that meets your needs. Save your money at a set period of time with higher interest rate than in a savings accounts. Where the time deposit is held for 3 months or longer, interest will be paid at half the contracted rate for each completed month; and Where the time deposits is held for less than 3 months, no interest shall be paid. Payment of interest upon maturity: For deposit at or over 13 months, interest can be credited every half-yearly if required. Our Time Deposit Account is a single-deposit savings account with an interest rate that is fixed at the date of deposit for the term of the account.

Do you know that one of the easier ways of making your money work for you is by investing in a time deposit account? A time deposit account is an investment account and a type of savings account in which money is deposited for a stated period of time and a fixed interest rate is paid at the end of that period.

It is a safer investment option when compared to other investment types. Opening a time deposit account is both quick and easy and all you have to do is to deposit money into the account for a given period of time, for it to earn interest for you.

Below are reasons why you should open a fixed deposit account today:

DepositTime deposit calculator

1. It encourages a savings habit as the money you deposit needs to be in the account for a period of time without you making any withdrawal.

Non Time Deposits

2. Investing in a time deposit account earns you a higher interest rate than depositing your money in a savings account.

3. You are assured of returns for your investment

4. The account helps to act as a fall back for your business in the event of a cash flow squeeze or can be used to meet your future cash requirements.

Time Deposit Rate In The Philippines

5. Interest is payable at maturity; annually or monthly depending on the term you chose or you could use the money to buy assets if you want.

6. You get to choose how long you want to invest your money in a fixed deposit account ranging from 30 days to three.

Time Deposits

7. You can choose to have more than one time deposit account if you want to save for different goals.